
Friday, November 9, 2007

"Moving On Stage 1" on DVD

According to Siu Yee & Sammy (from CRHK 903), show 12 of Moving On Stage 1 on November 4th was the recorded show. So, I'm assuming that's the show that will be put on the DVD. Though I'm pretty sure they recorded every show, maybe not as in depth though. Anyway, here's the rundown for show 12.

1. 白玫瑰
2. 信心花舍
3. K 歌之王
4. 裙下之臣
5. 富士山下
6. 不如不見
7. 夕陽無限好
8. 人車誌
9. 瑪利奧派對
10. 最佳損友
11. What a Wonderful World
12. 今日
13. 黑擇明
14. Dance mix: Shall We Dance + Shall We Talk+傷信+幸福摩天輪+I Love You 愛麗斯+I Hate You愛麗斯+美麗有罪+2001太空漫遊
15. 熱島小夜曲
16. Crying in the Party
17. 我不好愛
18. 打回原形
19. 衝口而出
20. 月球上的人
21. 葡萄成熟時
22. 浮誇
23. 低等動物
24. 粵語殘片
25. 淘汰
26. 黃金時代
27. 落花流水
28. 第五個現代化
29. 演唱會

CRHK 903 11.5.2007
easyjoint 11.4.2007

The encore song 親近, as some of you may recognize, is this year's theme song to TVB's Fathers and Sons. Eason chose to sing the song because it was written (music and lyrics) by one of the band members, Kubert Leung; it was also Eason's opportunity to give Kubert a solo and center stage next to him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aw only 2 songs for encore and no Bicycle and Always With Me...but i think some people have said that by the 6th eason's voice was getting raspy so maybe that's why they chose this one