
Saturday, December 29, 2007

"Listen to Eason Chan" is HMV's Highest Selling Album in 2007

According to a booklet given out at the HMV stores in Hong Kong, the highest selling albums at the stores are as follows:

1. Listen to Eason Chan - Eason Chan
2. 酷愛 - Hins Cheung
3. So Far So Close - Eric Suen
4. 在你身邊 - Jacky Cheung
5. 我很忙 - Jay Chou
6. 金聲演奏龐 - Tsai Chin
7. My Cup of Tea - Hacken Lee
8. 逆光 - Stefanie Sun
9. Simply Me - Miriam Yeung
10. Perfect Disorder - CK

Note: these are only the sales results of the HMV stores and are not the results of the industry

Source: Irene at easyjoint forum 12.30.2007

1 comment:

Pypy said...

Great ! I hope dat his album will be da highest selling album in HK.