
Sunday, July 26, 2009

"Eason's Moving On Stage 25 - Guangzhou Part II" - Photos & Rundown

1. K歌之王
2. 煙味
3. 你的背包
4. 兄妹
5. 謝謝儂
6. 瑪利奧派對
7. 路一直都在
8. Allegro Opus 3.3am
9. 衝口而出
10. 想哭
11. 我們都寂寞
12. 浮誇
13. 富士山下
14. 七百年後
15. Shall We Talk
16. 幸福摩天輪
17. 明年今日
18. 第五個現代化
19. 演唱會
20. 六大天王 Medley (獨自去偷歡, 狂野之城, 這個冬天不太冷, 我的親愛, 無心睡眠, 愛情陷阱)
21. 沙龍
22. 不要說話
23. 淘汰
24. 夕陽無限好
25. 最佳損友
26. 單車
27. 好久不見 & 不如不見 (Intro only)
28. 天下無雙
29. 超人的主題曲
30.Heal The World (Michael Jackson Tribute)
Audience sings the Happy Birthday song to Eason
31. 與我常在

Source: passer @ easyjoint forum 07.26.2009
Photos: sohu 07.26.2009


Unknown said...

Dear Eason, we have seen you stay true to your heart, family and friends.

We have also marveled at your passion @ work.

Here, I would like to wish you a wonderful birthday celebration and hope to catch up with you in Singapore again soon!

Kid said...

Why Eason cried during this concert? Feel so sorry for him. Hope he settles his problems as soon as possible and become happy-son again~~