
Sunday, July 6, 2008

Fama Personally Sells Albums for Themselves, Hins & Eason

Yesterday, the rap and hip-hop duo Fama (農夫) appeared as employees in a Mong Kong record store to personally sell their newest album. A male fan bought three copies of their album and asked the duo for their autographs, which was happily given. Afterwards, the duo went outside the record store and took photos with their fans when suddenly rain started pouring, prompting the duo to hope for good album sales. When asked how many albums they hope to sell, C Kwan (C 君) replied, "Hopefully we can sell 5-figures." When asked if they have any techniques to sell their album, C Kwan replied, "It's simple. Just ask if they want to purchase the album or not. One male fan bought three [just by us asking]." The duo also took the opportunity to sell Hins Cheung and Eason Chan's (Don't Want To Let Go) newest albums while they were there.

Source: oriental daily 07.07.2008

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