
Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Daughter Injured Eason's Eye, Shows Added for a Third Time

A press conference was held yesterday for Eason Chan's Moving On Stage 1 concerts. Eason was presented with 6 gifts during this press conference. The most expensive gift is none other than a 16 ounce, worth over 230,000 HKD, pure gold, dragon statue (蟠龍匯瑞). When he was presented with a camera from the sponsor, he accidentally dropped it on the floor; creating an awkward moment. Eason's manager, Katie Chan, also presented him with a gift. She announced shows were added, for a third time, to his upcoming concerts. He will now hold 12 concerts between October 25th to November 5th. With 12 shows, he breaks his own personal record for most shows held at Hong Kong Coliseum.

During the press conference Eason never took off the sunglasses he had on. When asked why he had sunglasses on, he took them off and revealed a red and bruised right eye before putting them back on. He says, "I am being hit at home!" Two days ago, his daughter was listening to music, when suddenly, she flung her headphones at Eason's eye. The doctor said no damage was done to his cornea and his eye will be back to normal in a week's time. Eason jokes, "It's the second time she's done it, I wonder if she's doing it on purpose. I warn father's to be careful of their daughters, actually all boys should be careful!"

Adding shows for the third time Eason reveals that he is happy but also nervous. When asked if he is physically and vocally ready, he jokes, "I want to lip-sync every night (laughs). Actually, I've been swimming and running, strengthening my body, avoiding unnecessary events, drinking my wife's soup, protecting my throat with throat drops and talking less; I believe I can perform through all 12 shows." As for having a three sided stage this time, Eason says, "I don't want the audience to have to turn their heads to watch the show. In terms of the number of audience members, each show will hold around 9,000 people. Having 12 shows is like have 9 shows [in the traditional 4 sided stage]."

Source: mingpao 9.6.2007


Clare said...

Thanks so much for translating Eason news! I'm a fan of Eason but I can barely speak/read any Chinese and it's hard to find much news about him in for me your site is really great!

Anonymous said...

the concert tix are all sold out man.. bummer. i couldn't get through the whole day until 4+pm HK time... sob