
Saturday, August 25, 2007

"Moving On Stage 1 Tickets Update", According to the Fans

According to the fans at Easyjoint, here's an update on the ticket sales/availability/additional shows to Eason's upcoming Moving On Stage 1 Concert. Which means there is no validity to these updates and it is based on the word of mouth of netizens.

According to fans at Easyjoint, as of August 23 all pre-sale ticket for the shows between October 26th - November 2nd have been sold-out. Which means no more pre-sale tickets for those dates are available, but non-pre-sale tickets are available when they officially go on sale.
Note: The ticket pre-sale dates run from August 23rd to 25th. A set number of tickets were set aside for pre-sale and the remaining tickets are available only when tickets officially go on sale, so you can still get tickets.

According to fans at Easyjoint, the pre-sale tickets for the 2 shows on November 3rd & 4th will be available for reservation on August 25th.

According to a fan at Easyjoint, who claims he/she knows someone that works at Cineoply Records, Cineoply had a meeting and decided to add 1 more show on November 5th, but they will not announce it [to the media] until after tickets go on sale.

According to fans at Easyjoint, official ticket sales for this upcoming concert is set for September 2nd.

Source: easyjoint (Eason's official International Fan Club site)

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