
Sunday, August 26, 2007

Recent Radio and Television Appearances

After filming the upcoming October release Brothers, Eason made a couple of public appearances to promote his upcoming concerts, album and new plug Crying in the Party.

1. He first appeared on CRHK 903's radio program, hosted by Mini, on August 16th.

2. He then appeared on RTHK's radio program, hosted by 李志剛, on August 22nd.
You can listen to the interview at RTHK's site, here.

Note: The interview is in 2 parts, when the first part ends the second part will automatically load.

3. His Johnnie Walker sponsored television special, 與臣同行, aired on TVB August 25th.

Here's the clips to the television special (in 3 parts)

4. Additionally, the commercial for his upcoming concert Moving on Stage 1 started airing the week of August 19th.

Here's the clip to the commercial

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