
Thursday, September 6, 2007

"Moving On Stage 1" Tickets Sold Out in 3 Hours

Fans line up for tickets to Moving On Stage 1

Tickets to Eason Chan's 12 upcoming Moving On Stage 1 concerts officially went on sale September 6th, and sold out in 3 hours. According to reports, fans started lining up for tickets two days ago, with lines at every ticket center.

Disappointed fans who were not able to purchase tickets emailed the sponsor and requested shows to be added. In response to the fans' request for additional shows, the sponsor says, "We want to please all the fans, we've also received many phone calls requesting additional shows. But we have to take a look at the Coliseum's schedule before we can decide whether to add additional shows."

In response to the fast ticket sales, Eason is extremely happy for the support from his fans. He feels the added pressure because of the massive support, but he will use the pressure as motivation and will do the best he can to bring good shows [to the supporters].

With many fans wanting tickets but not able to purchase them, ticket holders have taken the opportunity to sell their tickets at a higher price. A pair of 480 HKD tickets sold on the net for 1,400 HKD.

Source: sina 9.7.2007


Unknown said...

Is Eason's concert going world tour later?

Mae said...

As of now, there is no plan for it.

Though, Eason has said the reason for the title "Moving On Stage 1" is if they do decide to go elsewhere, they can title it "Moving On Stage 2", "Moving On Stage 3", etc.